背景資料: |
關于愛普生(中國)有限公司(Epson (China) Co.,
愛普生在中國開展的業務主要有打印機、掃描儀、投影機等輸入輸出類信息產品,系統設備,電子元器件,以及工業機器人。其產品以卓越的品質和節能環保的特點,贏得了中國消費者的厚愛。立足于中國市場,愛普生始終本著“挑戰與創新”理念,不斷將一系列先進技術及應用方案引入中國,從而使中國消費者能夠與世界同步,享受先進數碼影像科技帶來的完美體驗。愛普生不斷貢獻于中國的環保和教育事業,作為一名優秀的中國企業公民而倍感自豪。 |
About Epson
Established in April 1998, Epson
(China) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Seiko Epson
Corporation, being responsible for
Seiko Epson’s investment and
business development in China. The
company's main product lines
comprise information-related
equipment such as printers, scanners
and projectors, system devices,
electronic devices and industrial
robots. In May 2004, the company
became the first foreign-owned
company in China to receive
"regional headquarters" status as
approved by China's Ministry of
Commerce. So far, the company has
established in China 15 R&D,
manufacturing, logistics and sales
bases with nearly 30,000 employees.
Epson is proud of being an excellent
corporate citizen with continuous
contributions to China’s social and
economic development. |
2008年,愛普生發布了面向下一個時代的“2050環境愿景”。延續環保的腳步,愛普生正努力實踐以達成這一富有挑戰性的愿景。欲了解更多愛普生致力于可持續發展的行動,請訪問http://eco.epson.com。 |
About Epson
Epson is a global imaging and
innovation leader that is dedicated
to exceeding the vision of customers
worldwide through its compact,
energy-saving, high-precision
technologies, with a product lineup
ranging from printers and 3LCD
projectors for business and the
home, to electronic and crystal
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson
Corporation, the Epson Group
comprises over 70,000 employees in
106 companies around the world, and
is proud of its ongoing
contributions to the global
environment and the communities in
which it operates. http://www.epson.co.jp/e |